Wednesday, January 20, 2010

14 Years Earlier

Alex Lovingstone looked onto his family from the doorway. A fire crackled quietly across the room. He smiled as he watched the love of his life tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. Dana Pyro sat against the couch, her legs curled under her. Alex looked at her, thinking about how much he loved her. But Dana was looking down. She had her arms wrapped around the soft pink blanket, a small bundle inside. Dana could not look away from the tiny bundle, even though she was aware of Alex standing in the doorway. She couldn’t take her attention away long enough to ask him to sit.

Small smiles formed on Dana’s lips as she stared into the beautiful eyes of the child in her arms. Dana brushed her finger lightly across the child’s cheek. She grasped her tiny hand around Dana’s finger, taking in the warmth. Alex sighed quietly from the doorway, sadness taking it’s place in his heart. This was his family. Yet he knew he wouldn’t be around long enough to see it grow. He hadn’t told Dana yet, because he knew it would break her heart, as well as his own. It had to be done though.

But not yet. Alex just watched his love gaze into the child’s eyes. Those eyes, from the moment they opened, flashed brilliant flecks of red and gold, backed with a natural hazel. The red and gold flecks were shining like the hot embers were in the fire across the room. Dana finally glanced away from the child’s eyes and looked deep into the fire.
“Ember” She whispered. Then she looked down at her daughter, her little Ember.

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