Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I jumped as I heard a small knock on the door, and rushed to go get it. The door creaked as it opened, a feature my parents had always loved about this house because no one could get in or out of the door un-noticed.
“Hello,” my voice quivered from the excitement, “I am Elin.”
Dana’s lips turned into a small smile, then her eyes filled with sorrow.
“You look so much like your mother.” She brushed my hair back tucking it behind my ear.
I man stood behind Dana, his arms stiff at his sides. His brows slightly tipped down, and his lips in a tight line. He was uncomfortable.
I made a motion towards the man to come inside. A slight movement of his head signaled yes.
Dana looked up at the man sighing.
“I’m sorry Elin, you just remind Alex so much of Eli. Your father and Alex became very good friends, as your mother and I were.” she mourned for the older days, “Ember is in the car. Why don’t you go meet her?”
I nodded my head in agreement, my heart beat picking up pace again.

As I approached the car I could see a blond mess of hair smeared against the cars window. When I could finally see her face I was astonished. Her eyebrows were in a tight point down, her lips turned into a harsh frown. How could someone so young wield so much anger?
I tapped on the glass of the window, would I anger her further if I woke her up?
She didn’t move. I leaned against the cars metal frame to get a better look at her face.
“Ouch!” I stepped back from the car in confusion. Did she just shock me?
Carefully I grabbed onto the plastic car handle slowly peeling it back until I heard the soft click of the latch.
The small form tumbled out of the car landing on her hands.
“What was that for?” Ember shouted. The car alarm started going off, even though the car was not locked in the first place.

Ember, like Dana, was going to have to control her rage to control her powers.

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