Saturday, January 23, 2010


And suddenly, it was clear. The wind. The breeze. It was there, and it had always been there. At the beach, at this pond, that’s what she had been looking at. I looked at it now, the wind, that is. It tossed Blossom’s blond curls around her face. Made her dress wave like a banner. The trees around us bloomed with white flowers, and the petals cascaded downward, covering the green grass in a blanket of white.

“The wind.” I nodded slowly, trying to say it the way she did. Blossom smiled again, gazing down at her pond. I suppose it was HER pond. Just like I had MY beach. I felt the same relaxation at this pond as I did on my beach. I couldn’t believe I had been missing that for so long. The way the wind blew the sea spray into my face. I was glad I found it, the wind. I was glad Blossom showed me.

The blades of grass tickled my bare legs, and I leaned to see my reflection in the pond. A few lily pads floated carelessly, some cradling beautiful flowers. “How old are you?” Blossom asked, dipping her finger tips into the water. The bottom of her dress dipped into the water as well, but she didn’t seem to notice, or even care.

“ Nine,” I told her, reaching out to touch the water carefully.

“ I’m seven,” she replied, offering another quiet smile.

And those were the last words we said for a while. I knew my beach wasn’t too far away, but it didn’t bother me that I couldn’t smell the salty air anymore. A fresh, flowery smell enveloped me. I was lying flat on my stomach now, staring down at the water. The water rippled as my fingertips met the surface. I watched the ripples grow, and spread until they met the ripples formed by the breeze. The breeze that I had never even noticed until Blossom showed up.

I sat up and closed my eyes. I enjoyed this breeze. It was cooling, but not cold. It was nice. It kissed my cheeks and tossed my hair. I listened to it, gently brushing the tree branches back and forth, blowing the flower petals into twisting whirlwinds. It was hard to believe, that I had never even noticed it before. I could clearly see, and hear this wind. Yet I had never once before acknowledged it.

I looked at Blossom and silently thanked her for sharing it with me.

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