Thursday, January 21, 2010


I jumped into the back seat and quickly did up the seat belt, Ember doing the same. “Ember,” I whispered to her. If Jack was to hear me he would no doubt shout at me again. “If she touches the car I want you to send an electrical shock into the frame of the car. Because of the car's shape, the electricity should run straight through the outside of the frame, we should only feel a minor shock on the inside, but on the outside she should feel it loud and clear,” I informed her.

“But I don’t know how to use my power. I only did it once accidentally!” Brady looked back at us, a little suspicious.

“If you are anything like your mother then it happens when you are angry.” I looked into her eyes, they were filled with fear of doing the wrong thing.

Brady had over heard what I had said to Dana.
“Hey does that mean that all powers are hereditary because Jack's old man—”

“Shut up about him, Brady, and concentrate on not getting us killed.”

“But he had—”

“No, he is delirious,” Jack snapped in the middle of his sentence. Their was a moment of silence.

“But Jack, What if—”

He was cut off by a loud thud on the car. Brady froze, his mouth hung half open. He didn’t dare make a sound.
Whoever was trying to kill them must have been waiting for a clear shot.

“Ember,” I whispered, “now.”

She hesitantly put her fingers out of the small crack in the window touching the metal frame of the car. Her eyes squeezed shut as she tried to concentrate. I knew she couldn’t control her powers to come and go at this time. Their had to be something we could do.

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