Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Annie Hawthorn was a sixty-two year old woman. Her eyes were a rusty brown, her hair silver and short cut. Tired lines in her skin framed her eyes and mouth. She immediately shot into a sitting position on the hospital bed, quite pleased at my presence.

Sarge was the first one to step lightly into her room, his ears as far up as possible. I half expected the elderly woman to immediately attack Sarge with joy, the guy was a ladies man, but it was as if he wasn’t even there to her.

“Are you Dr.Daniels? Jack Daniels?”

The corner of my lip twitched as I sat down in a chair beside her, leaning forward and clasping my hands together. I raised my eye brows and offered a polite—-though slightly forced—-smile. “The one and only.”

It was as if Ms.Hawthorn had won the lottery. She almost squirmed out of her hospital bed with glee. She even squealed. I felt heat begin to travel up my neck with embarrassment, wondering if I should consider her behavior a symptom or not. On the other side of her hospital bed, Sarge grunted.

“Traven? Traven Daniels? Am I correct? Is that him? Deja? Have you heard of her? What about the othe—”

“Ma’am,” I cleared my throat, holding up a hand to cut her off. I was suddenly taken back by her outburst. Who the hell was this lady? “You have Hansen’s disease. It’s curable with antibiotics. There’s no reason for you to be here. Now listen...I’m a doctor. Nothing more.”

Ms. Hawthorn’s face fell and her eyes seemed to lose sparkle. “You don’t understand. Traven—-I have to talk to Traven. Look, I have research on the Protectors, and according to what I’ve found the next rise should be soon, and—and—and, Kiorri, he would know where Kiorri——If you could just read this...”

She began to shuffle around in her purse, which was a nice leather brown color, thrown next to her. As she began to nervously drag out an old newspaper article, I stood, which seemed to alarm her more. “No, wait! I—-”

“With all due respect, madam, I have no time for this.” I felt the heat continue to grow up my neck, traveling to my cheeks. Sarge’s toenails made tiny clicks as he made his way over to my side and whimpered, sensing my sudden mood. “You drug me out of bed on one of my only days off. I’m leaving now, and—-”

“Madam...Your father said that word a lot. He was a very polite man. If you could please just read this, you’d—-”


“No!” The woman threw off her covers, her only restraint from stampeding over me in the first place. The way she did it immediately made me wonder if she would pull a hip out of place. The old lady waved around the article, slightly yellowing with age, in front of my eyes. “Just read this!!! Please!!! My number’s already on it, and my son’s—-well, he isn’t really my son——but Torrance would——”

“Listen to me,” My voice was low, almost threatening. Annie’s voice trailed, completely cut off, as I rested a calm hand on her arm. My eyes met hers, steel gray clashing with her earthy brown. “If you do so much as look in my direction, I’m going to diagnose you with Munchhausen's. No doctor will EVER take you seriously again. Consider this before you chase me out this door. You are in your sixties, Ms.Hawthorn. How much health care do people your age need?”

Annie’s eyes met mine, and I suddenly saw a flash of youth. Of determination and aggravation. Eyes that I’d never seen in my life. Her lips parted, and she murmured quietly, “A lot. They need a lot. I’ll leave. Okay? I’m going to leave. But please, take this. Give it to Traven. Tell him I’m looking for Kiorri. Kiorri Littlefield. Kiorri.” Her voice was suddenly firm as she forced the disintegrating news paper article in my hand. In her hospital gown, she left, twisting away and leaving her actual street clothing behind in one of the hospital drawers.

I opened the article.


At about one in the afternoon yesterday, federal agencies surrounded Hathrown High School to confront the suspected teenage terrorists.
Reports concluded that multiple counts of arson and other destructions led towards a group of teens and young adults. The suspects are twenty-six year old Kiorri Littlefield, thirteen year old Dana Pyro, sixteen year old Krystal Lanchester, sixteen year old Kobe Lanchester, fifteen year old Erin Oberg, sixteen year old Star Trennith, fourteen year old Alex Lovingstone, fifteen year old Spencer Lovingstone, thirty six year old Traven Daniels, and fifteen year old Eli Littlefield.
Federal agencies as well as the U.S. and Canadian National Guard have been attempting to corner their deadly crusaide for about five months. They finally did corner the suspects at an empty car lot, where gunfire was exchanged. Rumors say that these terrorists are actually supernatural beings, though there was no further confirmation.
After losing the first battle, FBI agents kicked down the doors to the high school. As students fleed, they were able to arrest Kiorri Littlefield, a local algebra teacher. The others, however, had been able to flee, unseen.
“I was standing next to Erin Oberg,” A student claims, recounting the incident. “Then, it was if she had dissapeared or something. At first I thought they had caught her, but the police were still there long after she had gone missing.”
Others recall Dana Pyro, Eli Littlefield, and Alex Lovingstone vanishing as well. They were never found. The arrested Littlefield had as well escaped.
“I had him in handcuffs,” Agent Tommy Ellins recalls. “Then the next moment, he wasn’t there at all. But then I noticed this one student, his arm where [Littlefield] had been, so I went after him.”
The suspect was indeed, Kobe Lanchester, who had fled shortly after Ellins began to try to gun him down. Kobe was unfortunately shot, and the wound was fatal.
Star Trennith was never at the scene of the crime, as well as Traven Daniels and Spencer Lovingstone, whom still remain undiscovered by investigators. Krystal Lanchester had reportedly fled the day before with another student, Tucker Commons, but had reportedly been seen hours later at several areas under a different name.
“Tucker and [Krystal] had a thing,” A student proclaims. “Krystal used to seem very outgoing and smart, but when she came back, she was really quiet and reserved. Tucker seemed to change that, though. She’d do anything for him.”
The search continues for the suspected terrorists. If you have any tips, please call the number below.

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