Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I enjoyed the silence that had washed over Ember allowing me to go back to people watching. I wondered to myself how long it would take to see the majority of the cities people. Or where I would even look after I searched one of the larger towns. I nestled myself into the corner of the wooden bench allowing the cold of the metal to seep over my skin. More and more people passed. Each of them had an emotion that shone through all the others.

I think Ember had fallen asleep on the park bench, or maybe she was just deep in thought. She didn’t move much, but every so often she would let out a sigh. More people walked around. Some fidgeting with their cell phones.

I snapped my head to the left in the direction of the loud footsteps. A man was running with his dog. A taller blond man was panting behind him. “Please Jack, what --” The man leading the dog put his hand up to silence the other man.

His eyes looked like they were searching for something. He knew something, and he was hiding it.

“Ember!” The back of my hand contacted with her shoulder. She jumped a little in surprise.

“Elin, what the heck! You can’t just sneak up and -” she paused when the man, Jack I think he was called, looked over at us. My eyes locked on Jack's, Jack's on Ember's, and Ember's on Jack's.

He was the one we had spent all day looking for.

He was a Protector.

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