Saturday, January 23, 2010


“ Are you hungry?” I asked quietly. Blossom turned to me, resting the delicate flower in her lap. The purple petals were bright against the white fabric of her dress. “ I could go back to my house and bring back some food.” I told her.

“ Like a picnic?” She asked softly, a smile forming across her lips. I smiled and nodded. I had never had a picnic before. I stood up and brushed off the grass sticking to my legs. I turned to leave through the forest path, and took one last look at the spot before ducking under the branches.

I ran when I got to the beach. I didn’t want to make Blossom wait for long, and I began worrying that maybe she would leave. The hot sand was hard to run in, and the sun beat down on the back of my neck. My breathing came rough and ragged as I ran down the street towards my house. I passed by families unloading there mini vans filled with beach things. Children running through sprinklers in their front yards, cooling down from the hot sun. The water splashing against them and refreshing the grass.

I wiped my forehead with the back of my hand and slowed my pace until I was walking again. My house came into view. I stopped in my tracks. There was a car in the driveway. No. It was a limousine. Black paint and shined until it mirrored the world. It’s dark windows allowing no eyes to pierce through it. My Father’s. He was home? But no one told me he was coming home. I knew My mother would be stopping by within the month, but no one told me my father would be home anytime soon.

And then as if the universe was reading my mind, a sleek red convertible pulled swiftly into the other side of the driveway. A woman with flowing blond hair and large sunglasses sat in the drivers seat.

My mother.

“ Ryder?” She called out with her honey-like voice, stepping out of her car. She pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head and flashed me a beautiful smile. I nodded slowly, trying to breath normal after my run. “ Oh sweet heart! Look how much you’ve grown!” She squeaked as she ran over to me. Her red sundress matched her fingernail polish. She wrapped me in a hug, and immediately jumped back.

“ Oh… sweetie.. Your all sweaty. What have you been doing? Come inside,” She looked me over with her blue eyes. After I had changed into new clothes, I sat at the table in the kitchen. I thought it was stupid that there was a table in the kitchen and in the dining room. What was the point?

I looked down at the wooden table, unsure what to think. My mother sat at the other end of the table, looking through her magazine. “ Have you been keeping up with you’re school work?” She said almost absent mindlessly.

“It’s summer, mom,” I replied quietly.

“ Right,” She smiled, lowering her magazine. “ You enjoyed summer school though, didn’t you?”

“ Sure,” I nodded once. I heard a door shut from down the hall, and my mother closed her magazine. Her lips formed a tight line on her suntanned face. I set my jaw tight, and waited.

Then he walked in. He was tall and he has light brown hair, cut and combed neatly. He was dressed in a suit and tie, tucking a cell phone into his pocket as he walked in. He looked at me first, his green eyes showing no emotion. A few freckles were scattered across the bridge of his nose and under his eyes. I looked a lot more like my father than I did my mother. I got his freckles, and eyes. Though mine were more bluish sea green rather than just strictly green. I had my mother’s hair, though she dyed hers to make it more blond. “ Hey kid.” he shook my hand. It was a lot bigger than mine.

“ His name is Ryder. In case you forgot that too.” My mother said, venom filling her words.

“ Nice to see you too, Sophia.” My father spoke with the same tone. I probably should have left then. I knew what was coming.

“ So Ryder, Rebecca told me you like the beach?” He turned back to me. I nodded. “ Maybe I could take you to one in Florida. The weather there is much nicer and the water is-”

“ Oh Richard, shut up! Don’t you dare fill that boy’s head with lies!” My mother snapped, smacking her magazine down on the table.

“Damn it, Sophia! Stop trying to tell me how to be a parent! He’s my son and if I want to take him somewhere then by all means I will!”

“ Oh, just like you were going to take him to Disney World? Or like you were going to take me to Italy? Right, you ‘Forgot’. You’re a liar!” She turned and began storming out.

“ And you’re a wannabe! You won’t even act like a mother to him! Go ahead! Walk out on him again!”

“ I’M NOT WALKING OUT ON HIM. I’M WALKING OUT ON YOU!” She screamed, waving her finger at him.

I clenched my fists as the yelling continued. It was like they didn’t even know I was there anymore. They were acting so horrible, as if I didn’t even matter. My mother threw a flower vase, shattering it against the wall next to my father. He shoved a chair over, snapping one of the legs.

All of a sudden, the kitchen sink exploded, water shooting from the broken spout. The water stream was so powerful it shattered the light in the ceiling above it. My parents stared, open mouthed at the sink. I stood up and ran. Out the door, out of the house, and away from the fight.

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