Saturday, January 23, 2010


I could see him again, seated all alone in the white sand. Today I chose not to sit with him, but to stand close to the water where the waves chose to roll up and kiss my toes. The spray of the sea left little speckles on my already spoiled white dress. Once again the wind brought my blond locks to lick my neck and tickle my cheeks.

I knew the boy was behind me, but I didn’t dare check. I could never be caught staring at a boy. I could never turn into my sister. But something about this boy drew me to steal a look. My cheeks burned scarlet when I came to the realization that he, too, was looking at me.

A sharp whip of the wind seemed to press me closer to him, pulling me away from the ocean which I had not come to view. The heat gushed to the bottom of my bear feet, lulling me forward. I would speak to the boy. He had intruded my thoughts for all of yesterday, today he would not get the satisfaction.

My lips felt glued together from not talking to anyone in a long while. My jaw pinched closed with fear. I perched myself a good arms-length away from the boy.

A name. A name was all I desired to know about this boy for now. A simple enough question to ask would be “What is your name?”, but my lips still slowly pried apart only to murmur my own. “Blossom,” Was all I stated.

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