Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I stormed into my house, slamming the creaky front door after me. A grey cat slunk by my feet, pausing only to rub against one of my ankles. I reached down and absentmindedly scratched it behind its ears.

“Hello, I’m home!” I shouted into the empty house.

My mom wouldn’t be home at this time any day of the week, but it made me feel less alone to at least have a glimmer of hope. Mom worked more than eight hours a day, but she was a single parent and now dealing with much more than I thought humanly possible.

“Mre-ow?” the cat at my feet said questioningly.
“I know, I know. Later I’ll find you a friend,” I told it quietly.

Dropping my backpack on the tattered couch, I turned on the radio to hear another dreary news report.

“Nope, sorry, not today,” I muttered to the machine. “Off.”
I flicked the switch and the house was quiet once more.

A noise coming from the floor above me alerted me to my responsibilities and I grudgingly made my way to my tiny bedroom. A poster of an ancient boy band fell off the wall as the door shut behind me, but I let it drop to the ground. No one listened to that band anymore anyway, so why should I restick the darn poster to my wall every single day?

“It’s not worth it,” I said aloud.

A small, grey lizard slithered up my leg and I scooped it up into my hands. He stared at me with empty eyes and a pang of guilt attacked my soul.

“But it’s not my fault,” I whispered. “I didn’t do this. I’m not guilty.”
The lizard nodded his head as if to agree with me.
“Thank-you,” I smiled.

A beeping coming from the answering machine on my desk thrust itself upon my ears and I realized I had a message waiting for me. I pressed the flashing button and my mother’s voice shrilly spoke to me.

“Bia, darling, remember to round up your creatures before I get home. We’re having company tonight and I’d rather not be embarrassed. Also, the front rooms need cleaning, so if you could for once pull your weight in this family unit… oh dear, there’s my bus. One sec honey.” Bus noises filled the dead air. “I have a microwave dinner in the freezer if you want, we’ll all have eaten by the time we get home. Love you darling, take care!”

Right, Mother. Next time you tell me you love me, make sure you mean it. Because from what we’ve witnessed lately, your heart holds much different emotions.

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