Thursday, January 21, 2010


“ I can’t.” I said, having no clue at all how to use that weird electricity hiding inside me.

“ Come on Ember!” Elin’s voice was strained.

“ I DON’T KNOW HOW!” I snapped at her, fear building up as another loud thud sounded from the back of the car.

“ Concentrate.” she urged.

Jack stepped on the pedal, and weaved around traffic. Elin gripped onto the leather seats as each turn flung us left and right. “ Concentrate on WHAT?” I looked around frantically.

“ Something to make you angry!”

Brady stared at us from the passenger seat, confusion written all over his face. Jack's dog fumbled to keep his balance on the back seat, and every now and then he'd let out a loud bark. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I pictured Chris Mackey’s annoying strut, and his stinking shoe that for some reason was always being thrown at me. I imagined him running over home plate, mocking me and laughing at me. In all those situations, I had been so angry. But now I was only filled with sadness. Chris was my friend. We were rivals, but only in a friendly way. Sure, he went too far sometimes. But he was still my friend. A friend I might never get to see again.

“ It’s not fair, is it?” Elin said softly, as if reading my thoughts. Or maybe my pained expression. I didn’t answer, I just tried to breath evenly. “ They took you away from you’re entire life. You had a pretty good life, didn’t you?" She guessed. I narrowed my eyes. What was she doing? Couldn’t she see she was upsetting me? “ Your dad finally decides to show up, only in time to drag you away from your home… your family… your friends.” She said slowly, as if trying to find a reaction.

A heard another loud thump, but this one made the entire car shake. I heard Brady start freaking out, and Jack let out a volley of curses. I didn’t open my eyes. I shut them tighter, and felt anger overwhelm me. How could they have done that to me? My friends had no idea where I was… or when I would be back. I didn’t even know that.

Then I felt it. It was almost like adrenaline, but different. A rushing sensation shot through my veins, and opened my eyes. My hands were blue. Sparks jumped between my fingers, and electricity coursed its way up my arms. The weird thing was, I didn’t feel any pain or shock from it. It tingled, and felt strange. But it didn’t hurt. Though, I was gasping for air and I could feel my heart beating hard in my chest.

“ Holy…” Brady’s jaw dropped open when he looked at me, but then his eyes filled with fear and he stared past me. I turned, and saw feet. Yes, feet. Two shoes were planted firmly on the back hood of the car. And guess what was attached to those feet? Legs. That girl we ran from, the one with blond hair. SHE WAS ON TOP OF THE CAR!

“EMBER! NOW!” Elin cried from next to me.

I shot my hand out the window, and slapped my palm against the side of the car. I snapped my eyes shut and gritted my teeth, and WILLED the electricity to flow over the car. I wiggled my fingers, hoping that would help. The girl on the car stumbled back. I could hardly breath now. I let out a shriek and collapsed against the window. My breath came slow and rough, and my vision darkened. The car still sped forward, and the strange girl knelt on the asphalt, seemingly unharmed. She glared straight into my eyes with such anger and determination, my breath caught in my throat. Dr.Daniels was driving fast, but it was as if time suddenly slowed down, looking into the girl's eyes.

“ Ember! Ember?!” Elin cried next to me. Why did she sound so far away? Why did my head hurt so badly?

Elin pulled me away from the window and shook me, as if I were sleeping. She pulled me against her, and cradled my head in her arms. “ Oh my gosh, are you okay? Ember! I’m sorry!” She shrieked.

“ I’m alive...” I groaned. When I spoke it was like a train slamming into my head.

“ WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!?!” Jack swerved, making Elin grip onto me tighter.

“ Ember, are you sure you’re okay?” Elin asked, worry shaking her voice. I blinked slowly, trying to rid myself of this horrible headache.

“ Define…okay.” I tried to sit up, but Elin pulled me closer.

“ I didn’t know that would happen! I didn’t mean for you to get hurt!” She practically sobbed.

“ At least that freak show is off my car. God, did she leave a dent?” Jack peered into the rear view mirror. Elin glared at him, then looked back down at me.

“ It’s alright. Really. I’m fine.” I told her. I felt weak now, and I didn’t want to move. Luckily, Elin didn’t move either. She just held me still and I shut my eyes again. Neither of us knew where we were going, but anywhere safe was fine by us.

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