Thursday, January 21, 2010


Name: Blossom
Ability: Wind manipulation
Personality/Background: Her mother is a flight attendant and her father is a pilot. They usually go on trips together which leaves Blossom and her sister home alone the majority of the time. Blossoms sister usually makes Blossom leave the house so she can spend time with her boyfriend alone, or so she can throw a party. Blossom usually goes to a small pond to watch the ripples of the water made by the breeze. Blossom set up a tent there from some old blankets from the house so when her sister throws a party she doesn't have to see her drunk. She is a very internal little girl, she is smart for her age but often wonders about the world. She hopes that she will not be like her sister, and if she ever has kids that her and her husband can be at home with them.
Blossom's parents do not know about Blossom's sister's partying because Blossom's sister makes sure that Blossom won't tell.
Appearance: Blossom has long curly blond hair, and loves to dance in her white dress by the pond side in her bare feet.


The soft touch of my dress against my legs from the sea breeze was refreshing despite being kicked out of my house. The sand wasn’t too hot today; it was just the right temperature as it squished through my toes. With each step into the breeze, a new lock of golden hair wound itself across my face.

All the people running through the water and across the sand never appreciated the breeze that made the ripples on the water. The same breeze that carried a kid's beach ball into the water and let him splash through it. The boy paused to stare at someone else, another boy. He looked a little older than me. He refused the boys offer to go play with him.

I would have done the same.

This boy was sitting beside himself; he didn’t look like he was supposed to be here. Then again, neither do I.
I wouldn’t be here if my parents were home, but of course they are not. They leave my sister in charge when they're working. They should be home in a couple of weeks, but then again, if the weather is bad they will have to stay in whatever country they are in at the time. Sometimes I wish they weren’t pilots.

Someone told me that pilots used to fly back and forth from the same places all the time, and not to every country before they went back home. They said that airplanes used to be huge, and the seats were crowded. They told me that airplanes are now like flying hotels, and not like the flying buses they used to be.

I snapped out of my trance, realizing that I had been staring at this boy the whole time. He had never said a word. He only gazed out upon the ocean, like I had planned to do as well. I approached the boy and took a seat next to him. Laying my white dress out on either side of my legs. I didn’t say anything to him; his silent company would be prefect for me.

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