Wednesday, January 20, 2010


“Why did you have to wake me up so early again?” Ember complained.

“I told you already, I have some business to attend to.” I whispered to her. I didn’t like the people hearing what I had to say. Who knows how many of them the Protectors would be against in the future. Ember did a little hop in her step to keep up to my pace. We didn’t slow until we approached a small bench pointed towards a city park and a hospital.

I started watching the movements of the people walking by. Some were fidgeting with some money. Some talking to their friends loudly. None of them were protectors. Some of them held secrets, you could see it in their eyes and the slight down turn of their facial expressions before they pinned on a fake smile. I watched them carefully. They could be Protectors, but judging by looks in their eyes they had a secret, but not one of high proportion.

The look in their eyes, the one my mother and father had. The look of having seen to much, they had described it as. For now, they would not have this look. Only the guilty look of a secret holder. If they knew the extent of their powers they would hold the secret close to them, and their eyes would be cautious.

I was pulled out of my focus by the loud voice of the teenager sitting beside me.
“How much longer are we going to sit here? It has almost been an hour.” Ember rolled her eyes at me, “I thought you said you had actual business to attend to, not just sit on an old park bench all day.”

I stared at Ember. She didn’t know the importance of getting the Protectors together, so it would be pointless to explain to her what I was doing.

That one held no secrets, but had the glint in his eyes of an optimist. The lady next to him had a firm scowl pinned to her face. Must have had a bad day, but not as bad as the days to come for the Protectors.

“Seriously!” Ember hollered. I heard the sound of static, or that’s what anyone else would have seen it as.

“Ember calm down.” I hope she saw the distressed look in my eyes. Maybe it was to soon to bring her out in public. If she blew now, well, lets just hope she is a fast runner.

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