Saturday, January 23, 2010


Tears were still built up in my eyes. As much as I didn’t want to act this way, I couldn’t help it. Brady sat beside me, seemingly unsure of what to do to make me feel better. Ember had her arm strewn across my back.

I didn’t mean for him to hate us. I do not doubt that he will go back to his regular life after he finds a way to dump us. He would live his monotonous life until his powers start to build up. Then he would realize that he doesn’t know how to control it. By the time that happens someone will come for him. It could be the FBI, a demon, or someone who just doesn’t like the look on his face. It was the duty I had bestowed upon me by my parents to keep that from happening.

I let another tear roll down my cheek. I let in a shaky breath of clean, pine air. “You know, sometimes Jack doesn’t mean what he says,” Brady started, “he just doesn’t like anything without a logical explanation. Sometimes I even wonder if he believes in love.” Brady let a sigh escape his lips. I wiped the sticky tear from my cheek. I lifted my head out of the safe nook of my arms to face the dark blue tent that had been set up for us.

“If I can’t get him to believe me,” I paused, “I failed my parents, and everything they taught me.” We sat in silence for a few moments before Brady shifted himself to look out of the screen of the tent. He abruptly jerked himself out of our shelter; rustling leaves the only sign he was ever here in the first place.

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