Saturday, January 23, 2010


I sat up, pushing the heavy covers off me to embrace the conditioned air around me. I did what I did every morning, and stood at my window. The house I lived in was on a hill, about a mile or so from the beach. I could see my ocean from this window. The sun was bright today, making the sea sparkle in the distance. I could faintly smell the salty air and I imagined walking through the sand.

I sighed as I pulled myself away. It was a beautiful day, which meant a lot of people would be on my beach. Even knowing this, I wouldn’t stay away. I needed the salty air and rushing waves.

After I got dressed in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, I made my way to the kitchen, making sure my sneakers were tied first.
“Good morning, Ryder,” Rebecca chirped as I walked in.

“ Good morning,” I answered softly, taking my place at the table. Rebecca was looking at the newspaper, sitting at the other end.

“ Going down to the beach again today? It’s real beautiful out,” She smiled, setting down the paper. I nodded and took a bite of the toast that the cook had placed in front of me. The plate seemed too big, and the eggs sat awkwardly alone in the center. I ate my breakfast and stood up from the table. Rebecca looked at me, as if to say something more, but then just looked back down at her paper.

When I stepped outside, the hot air clung to every part of me. I walked along the stone path and didn’t look back when I got the sidewalk. I could hear the ocean calling to me. Urging me forward.

I was right. The nice weather brought many families to my beach. I shook my head, but made my way into the sand. It wasn’t a surprise, I mean, it’s a hot summer day at a Maine beach. Of course a lot of people would be here. Little kids shrieked and giggled and adults and teenagers both were laid out, bathing in the sun. I walked along the beach until found a place where the people weren’t as congested, and I sat down. The water was a calm and the waves gentle. The little kids splashed in and out of the water, so I was guessing it wasn’t too cold.

I sighed and tried to clear my mind and lose myself in the ocean. But for one reason or another, all I could think about was the girl in the white dress. I looked around, but she wasn’t there. I stared off into the horizon and lost myself in the waves. The girl in the white dress flooding my thoughts.

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