Thursday, January 21, 2010


“Do not play me, idiot woman.” I muttered, jerking on Julianna’s arm. She grunted then sent me a sharp glare, as we slammed ourselves through the forest bordering the barn. Our trek was beginning. It was early dawn where we were, which meant it was late night or so for my victims.

“What the hell is this, do the Taliban train psychotic teenagers now?” Julianna yelped, jerking away from my hold. I loosened my grip, letting her fall away. The grown woman lost balanced and fell onto a pile of branches. Her mascara was smeared around her mossy eyes, her red hair straying from her hair band.

“Listen to me,” My voice retched. It echoed against the trees. Or, perhaps, against nothing at all. I bent down, teeth bared, eye to eye with the pitiful female. “I am not in a very...negotiable mood. Nine has already ambushed my prey. If you care to live, dearest Julianna, you will obey. Do not run, for I will catch you. Do not fight, for I shall perish you. And do not scream, for I shall silence you. I am nothing as you deem me to be.”

“Look at what you’re doing,” She retorted, daring to stand before me. “You’re an eighteen year old girl wrestling a thirty three year old woman! Honey, your breasts are barely developed. Look at yourself, look at how young you are. You’re out of your mind!”

“Perhaps,” I growled darkly, a shower of blond hair spilling over my shoulders as I leaned down farther. “You’re the one you should be fretting over.”

With a sigh, Julianna began brushing off her clothing, raggedly. Her mouth was in a thin line, her eyes deceiving. “Alright. Alright, I’ll walk. If, you tell me what you are, exactly.”

I lifted a brow. “You should fear for your life, Julianna. Yet you speak so...carelessly.”

“Hah,” She uttered. “You lose the fear once you enter med school, darling. And when you talk to me, my name is Julia. Not Julianna. Do you understand?”

Pardon me? You’re the one under my thumb! Do realize that I have no need for your life.”

“Apparently, you do, missy.” She answered savagely. “You haven’t killed me yet. Now, what are you? When you talk, you don’t move your lips. It’s like your voice is coming from your throat or something, humanly impossible. Your speed and strength is above the average man’s. And, there’s more of you?”

“My name is Thirteen,” I ventured, casting a glare out of the side of my eyes. She expected answers, then so be it. I was preferably tired of her slowing my pace. She could not escape my hold; speaking to her would breach no harm. “I was created scientifically under the hands of the United State's forces. We all were.”

“For what?”

I didn’t break eye contact. “To rid of you. All of you.”

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