Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Name: Thirteen
Looks: Extremely blond hair, down to breasts. Unusual golden hawk-colored eyes. Full lips. Looks her average age, but flat chested. Pale. Monotone and serious looking. Average weight, average height, though her expressions seem slightly robotic. When she speaks, she never opens her mouth, her lips never move, but you somehow always hear her voice.
Background: Designed genetically and born scientifically with thirty others. All were identical, all were made specifically to hunt and kill the Protectors of The Hourglass for the safety of civilization, and anything that has to do with them. They are weapons of war, with artificial abilities. Very dangerous.
Markings: Left earlobe severed severely.
Ability: Sound

It began with a steadfast thirty.

However, there was three.
We were, in a way, brethren. Siblings. Each of us identical, alike, but with our own special marking.

All of us were genetically engineered, built like humans, with the strongest of genes and DNA, the strongest of traits. We were taught, strengthened, and of sonic speed when one ran.
We all had a gift. We did not have names, but numbers.

Each of us had been tested, battered, watched, and monitored. Every breath, every blink we took was recorded. If we showed any signs of weakness, we were ‘refused’. Which was the government’s, and every other agency's way of saying we weren’t good enough. To be refused was to fail. To fail was to die. Or to be shoved through another string of torture and testing.

I have a single weakness that lays deep inside me. That, for once in my life, couldn’t be traced or monitored, recorded or probed. Alas, all the same, it was a weakness.

My name is Thirteen.


“Six,” Professor Graves bellowed over the steel balcony. The three of us didn’t flinch. Six, however, obligied to turn. Six’s ability was ice manipulation. He was of the last remaining elements that were created. “You’re refused. Thirteen!”

Somewhere throughout this edifice, a man was cracking his fingers, a woman was brushing her hair. Outside, the wind increased, shoving it's weight against the headquarters of where I had resided for eighteen suns. My heart hammered inside my bosom. Was my secret to be discovered? Was I to be discarded? Then, finally. “Assigned. Nine
, assigned. Three, assigned.”

Three, Nine, and Thirteen.

“Congratulations. You have been assigned to rid of the Protectors. In thirty minutes, you will be released.”

“Permission to speak, sir,” Three shot out, his tone perfectly even. I silently narrowed my eyes. Three was the only male that had survived. That was not to be accounted for, however. We were all nemesis. Enemies by heart.

“Permission granted.” “Information on agent Lovingstone and Kiorri Littlefield?” The scientist paused and drew in a breath. I could hear his heart inside his chest keep level, his intake of air still regular. Nervous, he was not. He was reluctant. He’d always been reluctant.

“Lovingstone is in the control room, at the moment. His oddities haven’t returned, but do not let that worry you. We may still need him for other reasons. As for Mr.Littlefield...if you return to the fourth dimension or happen to see his face, I order you to terminate him immediately.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Nine! You will be hunting the elemental protectors.”
I could hear Nine swallow easily, her breathing relaxing almost to the point of a sigh. She had been secretly wanting to defeat the elements, personally. It was a game to her, a challenge worthy to meet.

“Yes, Dr.Graves.”

“Three, you will be hunting those that withhold the physical and bodily abilities.” For Three, it reigned disappointment. What I had got, was what he had wanted. I dared myself to smirk.

“Thirteen, you will be pursuing those that possess the talents of the mind.” Beside me, Three slowly turned his chin in my direction. Our eyes narrowed. His, though, a much different color than mine. His, a devastating blue, while my eyes—-as well as Nine’s——remained a hawk, golden yellow. He would be out to get me. I would be his hunted. If our job was done, if we completed the mission we had been born to fulfill, he would be free to kill me, had I not killed him first.

On this mission, as long as we completed it, we were aloud to destroy each other.
So long as we destroyed them, too.

The reason behind Three’s eyes was simply that his ability is that of sight. He could see through darkness. He could see through your skin, if the situation warranted. He could melt with his gaze. He could see everything and everywhere, his eyes had no limits. Tracking the protectors would be easy for him. He could see the unseen.
And I, I was sound. Three might have been able to see fear, alas, I could hear it. I could hear from no limit, from no boundaries. I could change my voice, disguise myself. I could kill by a throatily scream. I don’t have to move my lips to have others understand me, which was the reason of why I did not. I understand all dialects, speak all tongues, whereas Three could just read them.

And Nine. Nine was just as good.

“You will be released in thirty minutes.” Dr.Graves announced behind us, up on the overlooking balcony. We were the perfect weapons of war. I was finally getting the chance to rip the Protectors apart.

Limb. From. Limb.

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