Saturday, January 23, 2010


The sound of the rustling leaves was the only sound left. The faint murmur of people from the beach had subdued. Enough time had passed since Ryder left that I had fallen into the metronome-like sounds from the wind.

My stomach grumbled once, loudly, reminding me that Ryder had said he was going to come back with food. I moved towards The small tent I had manufactured from a few of my blankets and my backpack. I felt around in my bag trying not to move the perfect placement of the blankets I had set of three days before. I sat back at the edge of the pond, and shortly after Ryder took a seat beside me. I looked around him, trying to find any signs of food. I could find none. “I thought you were going to bring food.”

Ryders face was stone as he stared out at the pond. “Ryder? are you okay?” Again there was a silence.

“They are stupid,” he finally broke the silence.

“Who is?”

“Everyone in that house. They don’t care about anything but money. They don’t even try to love each other. If it wasn’t for grandpa’s company and dad’s company working together they would be divorced. Then I wouldn’t have to watch them fight. Then maybe one of them would care. Then maybe they wouldn’t be so greedy. If dad didn’t know grandpa would stop doing business together then they wouldn’t be together in this mess.”

I broke off a half of the cookie I had pressed in my hands. “Here.” I handed him the piece. He stared at it blankly for a while, cooling down before he finally grabbed it.

“Thanks.” He looked around the area of trees that surrounded the pond, stopping to stare at my home made tent. I didn’t doubt that he could tell I didn’t have any where to go tonight. Then he turned his head to look me directly in the eyes. “I want to show you something.”

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