Wednesday, January 20, 2010


“I don’t know. It was weird, Brady. It was just a dream, but still.” I paused, bringing a steaming mug of coffee to my lips and allowing Brady to cut in from the other end of the phone line.

“Huh. Describe it to me again?”

I swallowed, then set the mug in the cup holder. “It was just the hospital emergency room. That’s it. That was the entire dream. It was as if I was staring at it, like it was really important or something. But nothing happened. I just stared.”

Brady drew in a breath. “Well. Your dad told me today that he lost his magic powers. I think you need to get your old man checked out, Jack.”

“He’s been like that since I was twelve,” I muttered, remembering the scene that had happened yesterday night. “but you’re probably right. Oh well. You said that he lost his ‘powers’. So maybe all of this crap will stop.”

“Yeah,” There was a pause of commotion on the other end of the line and a sudden background noise of murmurs. “hey, listen bro, I found my client. I’ll call you the next time I’m free. I got the papers from the prosecutor and she somehow managed to scheduled the goddamn trial too soon, which leaves me to come up with a crappy defense. But, I’ll call you when I’m free. Laters, Jack.”

I smiled, my hands on the steering wheel of my car. “Bye, Brady.” I ended the call and fell silent for a few seconds before I began to speak again, but this time it wasn’t into the phone.“I know you like McDonald’s because there’s always that babe in the window who gives you treats. But I think we should go to the Dakota Cafe’.” Sarge was silent in the passenger seat, his service vest scratching on the fabric. His ears were perked, studying the familiar sights. He loved car rides. Hell, we took them enough. I never ate at home.

“I don’t know. There should be a——CHRIST!!!!” I slammed on the brakes, making Sarge teeter into the dash board. A girl in a baseball cap surrounded by boys roared in laughter in front of me. After all my years as an immunologist, I still didn’t know why goddamn kids thought it was hilarious after almost getting killed. I leaned out my open window, pissed. “NEXT TIME I WON’T STOP!!!

They waltzed slowly out of the way, bent over with comical laughter, heading towards the neighboring fields. I glared at them, temper flaring. Finally I stepped on the gas with more force necessary, once again sending Sarge flying. I kept my eyes on the road ahead of me, bitter. “Goddamn kids. Once I hit one of ‘em, I’ll have the rest cleaning the blood off my car. Fucking little parasites.”

About an hour and a half later, Sarge and I were done eating and heading out the cafe’ door. I’d lied and gotten him in, saying I was blind.

Another day of back breaking work at the hospital.

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