Saturday, January 23, 2010


I ran my tongue over my lips, glancing at Elin, Brady, then Jack. Elin bit the inside of her cheek and Brady crossed his arms impatiently. Jack’s expression was grim. His eyes were narrowed and his lips curled into a scowl. His dog stared at him too, his ears half down. “Well?” I sighed impatiently.

“Well, nothing.” Jack muttered.

“Come on!” Brady chimed in.

“Can’t you get your own god damned breakfast?!” Jack growled sitting up straight and looking away.

“We have no money!” I blurted, throwing my hands up.

“Then get a job!”

“Jack...” Brady warned.

“Brady. You’re a lawyer. You must have enough money to take these brats out for some food.” Jack glared at him. “Without me.” he added.

“Jack, I don’t think it’s such a good idea we split up.” Brady stated, his voice softer now.

“And why not?” Jack retorted bluntly, though I’m sure he knew the answer.

“Maybe something having to do with that superhuman teenage girl who attacked your car?” I cut in, and Jack shot me a glare. Then he sighed and shook his head.

“Alright fine.” He stood up. Sarge relaxed, letting his ears stand up and his tail wag loosely.

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