Wednesday, January 20, 2010


“ How would you know that?” The crazy doctor spat, briskly walking back to me and Elin. I took a step back, unsure what to say now.

“ I overheard people talking about it. I remembered her name from when I was at your hospital. She...IS your friend, isn’t she?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“ Hah, friend. That’s an understatement-” The Brady guy laughed, but was cut off when the doctor shoved his elbow straight at his ribcage. Brady coughed a few times, but his grin stayed plastered across his face. He backed away and stood silent, trying to hide his smile.

“ Yeah. She’s a friend. And she's missing.” Daniels. That was his name. Dr. Daniels. Ugh.

“ By who?” Elin jumped in.

“ Some super-human freak.” He grumbled. Even though he was being grumpy, there was something in his eyes that showed something else. Compassion, possibly? Hard to believe.

“ Maybe, we could help you get her back.” Elin chirped.

“ You?” Jack scoffed. “ Kid, we already told the police. There’s nothing else we can do.”

“ We could-”

“No.” Jack snapped, anger flaring in his eyes. “ This girl, the one won who took Julia. She picked me up by my throat, and nearly crushed my windpipe. WITH ONE HAND. There's nothing we can do.

Elin blinked, and I felt anger rise to my chest. This guy was a real jerk. “ It wouldn’t hurt to try.” I grumbled.

“ Yeah? Okay. Lets go look for her. Lead the way.” He said sarcastically. Elin bit her lip, searching for something to say. I guessed this wasn’t how she planned things to go.

“ Exactly.” Jack growled. “ If the police don’t find her, you expect me to believe a couple of little kids will?"

“ Jack, chill.” Brady mumbled from behind him. Jack turned, ready to yell at him, but I took a step forward.

“ I am NOT a little kid.” I said firmly. “ I am fourteen years old. Don’t talk to me like that.” I took another threatening step toward them.

“ And I’m 17.” Elin squeaked from behind me. Jack glared at me, craning his neck away, but refusing to take a step back.

“ Whether you like it or not, you ARE a Protector. So am I, and we BOTH gotta deal with it. So suck it up, and quit your whining, or your friend will be lost for good.” I jutted my chin out.

“ Right. Protector, whatever.” Jack finally took a step away, but didn't leave. Brady listened in intently; he looked interested.

“ Well… there’s a reason why she took Julia. If she wanted her dead, she would have just killed her. But she took her. Which means, we can most likely get her back.” Elin spoke with a calm, collected voice.

“ Most likely.” Jack Daniels rolled his eyes, sarcasm in his tone.

Erin nodded, dismissing his attitude. “ All we have to do.. Is round up ALL the Protectors. And then we go to find your friend, and win her back.”

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