Wednesday, January 20, 2010


When I arrived home, I could tell the house was empty. My father was out of town, most likely doing some new project, so the house would be like this for a good two days or so.

Without thinking, I walked into my bed room and sat down blindly on the edge of my bed. From the looks of it, this would be a very normal weekend.
I sit around, studying, finishing homework, preparing myself for the exams. It’s just like every day. I do what I’m supposed to. And I do it well.
I can’t afford any more mistakes in life. I’ve already taken enough sick days out of my time. For the rest of my time on this earth, I have to apply myself to being perfect. I have to be the perfect daughter, the perfect human, and the perfect friend.
A mistake in life is like a crack in time.
Each time you mess up, you lose more life. And when you’ve got nothing left, it’s over.

I’m not going to let that happen.

Mindlessly, I removed my shoes and moved my body to the middle of my bed. I rested my head lightly on the big, white pillow and closed my eyes. Once everything was perfect, I clapped my hands and the lights went off.

Even when my eyes were closed, and my senses were put on rest for my sleep, I could hear something going on outside. People were talking, feet were moving, and lives were being lived. I wondered who would be up at this hour, walking around outside.
Possibly the neighbor three houses down. Mr.Davis. He has a pet dog who he sometimes walks late at night. Although, he is a very sensible man. I can’t imagine him talking to himself, especially at this hour.

It was at the moment that I realized I would not be able to sleep. My mind was already reeling with questions about the little things, and I was sure it would request some time to examine the bigger events from life. As usual.
So I climbed out of bed and pulled my white house coat off the hook in my closet. I draped it easily over myself and walked to the kitchen.
The fruit bowl on the kitchen table was filled with all sorts of colorful fruit.
I reached into a drawer and pulled out a stainless steel knife and a cutting board.

For the next few hours of the night, up until the lights of dawn poured into my kitchen, I stood at my counter top, cutting up pieces of fruit and placing them in small containers of Tupperware.
By morning time, my fridge was full of freshly cut fruit in neat little containers all chopped up and ready to eat. But I highly doubt anyone’s going to eat it. No one ever does.

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