Wednesday, January 20, 2010



I sat at home alone fingering the small crumpled up piece of paper in my hands. My parents would be long gone by now. I read over the note for the fifth time.

We love you so much. You have no idea how happy we are to have had the chance to see you grow, but we can’t stay here any longer. Soon the exchange shall happen. We trust that you can keep yourselves safe, and we have given you possession of our house and your fathers car. Under the bed there is a small box with photo’s in it, they are the people we told you about. In that box is also all the information that shows a change in our bank. “ I paused from reading the note to look over at the box beside me. I had looked over the pictures a hundred times identifying who each one was, what their powers were, and who they were bonded to. I continued to read the letter. “We have enough money that you should be able to support yourself for a while. I know that this is a lot of responsibility for a 17 year old but we believe that you can live without us. We really hate to leave you, but it isn’t safe for us. Once the powers are passed on people will come looking for us so we have left and gone to somewhere far away. We hope that you can find them like we have told you before. I’m so sorry this had to happen while you were so young. Please stay safe, and do what you must.

If anyone asks you can tell them that we are spending a year in Africa.

Love you so much,

Mom and Dad”

I put the note down and picked up the box again. Alex, Dana, Spencer, Kobe, Kiorri, Star, Nathan, Traven, Deja, and of course Eli and Erin. My mom and dad.

I placed the box back on the ground again taking one last look around the house that was now mine. The eerie emptiness of the house that I could call mine.
Maybe if I ever did find the people with new powers I could be like Kiorri, holding refuge to those who aren’t normal.

This summer I would start looking for them around my city. That wouldn’t take to long would it?

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