Wednesday, January 20, 2010


" I know. I don’t like it either, but he told us it wouldn’t last forever.” I heard my Mom’s voice as I walked into the house. I kept quiet, not wanting to interrupt her conversation with whoever was on the phone with her. I sat on the stairs, kicking off my sneakers and putting my hate on the banister.

” I know, I know. And if it’s happening to me, you Eli and Erin… it’s probably happening to the others as well.” I had never heard her mention those named before. Actually, I remembered a very long time ago, one of the times my Dad had came home, there was a man with him. I couldn’t be sure, but Eli sounded very familiar..

I found myself eavesdropping. ” I want you out of there. No, I don’t care, Alex. It’s too dangerous now.” My heart started beating faster. Alex? My Dad?

” Mom?” I called out, walking to the kitchen where she was sitting. She fumbled the phone in her hands, and her eyes went wide when she saw me.

” Are you talking to-”
” Go to bed, Ember.” her tone was hard and serious. I took a step back, surprised. She was never like that. Was she talking to my Dad? Why wouldn’t she let me talk to him?

” Mom-”

” Ember. I said, go to bed.”

I backed away slowly, shocked and hurt. I slowly walked up the stairs, but i couldn’t hear what my mom was saying anymore.

What had just happened?

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