Wednesday, January 20, 2010


The nearly angelic music was coming from the north east. I broke into a steady run—-the fastest a young human girl my age would be able to run, though I was capable of much more. When I was out of sight and far from sound, I would break into a such speed one’s mind couldn’t comprehend another to run.

“What ever is the matter, dearest Nine? Surely you haven’t given up on my hunt this soon.” I crooned, my voice leaping through my throat to her ears without my having to part my lips.

“I’ve begun my own pursuit, Thirteen, but I give great thanks to your pitiful offer.” Nine had hardly spoken above a whisper and had traveled a great distance away from me. Nine had a way of speaking in whispers, causing your skin to prick. Three spoke loudly and rather boldly, while my own voice echoed, which was great for confusion.

I approached the sounds of humble music and cheerful tunes, beginning to slow down. My eyes scoped the area, my knuckles beginning to burn from clenching my fists. The music of the Protectors was louder now; there was also more than one.

I began a strut towards the entrance, a small smile tugging at the edges of my lips.

For, I now had ALL of my targets within my sight.

Who should I slash first? The little tramp girl, who gave off a high, sweet sound? The rather angry and lost looking man with his pup? The blond one, with the worried look? Or perhaps the girl with the graying eyes?

I leaned against a podium, keeping an eye on my peasants, ready to choose my first victim. They were Protectors. But I, I was a Hunter. In front of me, young sticky bodies traced figures in the dirt with sticks, every once in awhile prodding one another. I’d made up my mind. I knew who would die first.

And I was coming in for the kill.

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