Saturday, January 23, 2010


I tried to book it on my way out of the store, but I wasn’t very good with the whole ‘running’ concept.
So instead, I made my best attempt at running, stopping occasionally to catch my breath. Or, in other words, pant wildly and wipe sweat off my brow.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, obviously my sister trying to tell me to get back there before she calls mom. But I wouldn’t answer her empty threat. She would never tell mom, because mom would blame her. And mom would be pissed at her. As usual.

I heard yelling from somewhere close by that I could tell was my sister. I needed to run faster, to get away, but I really didn’t have it in me. Luckily, I noticed a small forest thing up ahead. I jogged ( half jogged, half stumbled ) over to it -panting- and ducked inside. The voices started getting closer, so I moved farther into the forest. Of course, me being me, I felt something crawling up my leg. Was I paranoid? I probably was.

I kept moving farther into the forest, until whatever was on my leg really started to bug me. I made the decision that it wasn’t just me being paranoid and I looked down. Surprisingly enough, there was a vine with pink and white flowers half-way up my legs. I scratched my head, not sure what to make of this. Was I under attack of Captain Green -conveniently one of the only normal super hero’s from the weird comic’s my mom buy’s me-, or was I honestly really paranoid?

I flicked them off my leg, tearing off leaves here and petals there, but they just seemed to grow back. In a fit of frustration, I sat down on the ground and pulled a chocolate bar from my pocket. I’d need to think this over. And to do that, I’d need brain food. Chocolate is the doorway to the mind.

Or at least that’s how I see it. Without chocolate, this world would be nothing.

Now. What to do about the mutant flowers growing up my legs?

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