Wednesday, January 20, 2010


“ EMBER! WAKE UP ALREADY!” I heard Chris Mackey’s annoying voice from outside. I groaned and rolled over, pulling my pillow over my head.
“ God, what is she, hibernating?” Carter sounded. I must have left my window open. “ EMBER!”

“ Go away!” I grumbled, pulling the pillow down tighter. Just then I felt something land with a thump on my back.
“ What the hell?” I groaned. I sat up, blinked and looked over to see a dusty shoe sitting on my bed.
“ CHRIS!” I shrieked, throwing my sheets away and snatching up his sneaker. I heard the boys start laughing when I appeared in the window. I glared down at them and whipped his stinking shoe down at him.
“ Good Morning Princess.” Chris laughed. I stuck my tongue out at him and left the window. I quickly got dressed in a new t-shirt and a clean pair of shorts.

“ MOM, I’M GOING OUT!” I called through the house on my way down the stairs.
“ Where to?” She asked form the kitchen.
“ Probably Porter fields.” I answered, tying up my sneakers and pulling my blonde hair into a low pony tail.
“ Be home before dark!”

Before I walked out the door, I pulled my cap neatly over my head.
“ Took you long enough!” Carter jogged over, Chris tailing behind. Carter flipped his dirty blond hair away from his eyes and gave me a smile, his brown-green eyes lighting up.
“ Where’s everyone else?” I asked, walking towards the street with them.
“ Over at Ben’s, loading up the bikes.” Chris answered.
“ Awesome. Is Jamie already there?” I asked without thinking. Chris and Carter exchanged a quick glance.
“ Why?” Carter asked suspiciously.
“ What do you mean?”
“ What’s it matter if he’s there or not?” Chris gave me the same suspicious look.
“ Cause if he isn’t, his house is on the way. We’ll pick him up too.” I replied, thinking fast.
“ Right…” Carter chuckled.
“ What?!” I demanded, feeling blood rise to my cheeks.
“ Oh, nothing…” Chris nudged Carter. I shoved him, but he just laughed.
“ Jamie is already there.” Carter grinned, looking between me and Chris.
“ Whatever.” I mumbled, still embarrassed for some reason.

As we kept walking, I started getting more excited. I had never ridden a motorbike before, and all the guys have. Hopefully, this would just be another sport to beat Chris at. I wonder if I’ll be able to beat Jamie. Jamie was usually the one to measure myself up against. Chris was just the loud mouth that I enjoyed winning against.

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