Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Name: Calyx Baker
Age: 14
Race: Caucasian
Looks: Wild blond hair, bright neon-green eyes. Dimples. Freckles scattered carelessly over nose. About 5’3”, fairly thick. Athletic body, but not overly muscular.
Anything else: Mother passed away when Calyx was at the age of 11. Everything else will be explained in the posts.


“We still need one more column,” Andy Hayns clarified, reading from a list in his school notebook. Marcy Brown -a petite girl with dark hair and light eyes- began to flip through the pages of her binder.
“I’m already doing two...and I really don’t think I could handle another one,”she sighed.
Both Andy and Marcy’s attention immediately turned to me.
I knew exactly what they wanted. They wanted me to write the last column for our school newspaper; and although I did love writing, incredibly, I had other plans.
“Guys, I couldn’t. I’ve got way to much going on. My schedule is booked. I don’t think I could take on another project this week.”
Marcy rolled her eyes.
“Calyx, you’re the only one who can do it. Plus, no one else will. If you don’t do this, the newspaper won’t print this week. And you know that this is the most important issue of the whole year. If we don’t get this issue out, Mrs. Buckly might cancel the Newspaper for next year.. Besides, I’m sure you can come up with something! Please? For us?”
I looked through my agenda, seeing if it was possible for me to take on another column. Of course, it didn’t matter how long I consulted my agenda. I already knew I was completely booked. Only, how was I supposed to break this to them?

“Alright. I guess I can fit it in on Saturday. Just don’t expect it to be my best work...” I smiled cautiously as Andy jotted in the final notes.
“Good, it’s settled then? Calyx, you can just drop it off in my bin Monday and I’ll send it in for print.” Andy began to pack up his books and notes.
Isn’t it just like me to over-book my time?

Marcy’s cell phone started to buzz and she looked up sheepishly. “Sorry, I have to take this...” She stood up and took a few steps away from Andy and I.
Andy glanced at his watch.
“Oh shit. Look, I’ve got to go. Are you sure you’re fine with this last column? I wouldn’t want to stress you out too much.” Andy was already standing-completely ready to go- and glancing at his watch, annoyed.
“Yeah I’ll be fine.” I watched as Marcy spoke into her phone angrily, using absurd hand gestures.
“Great. You’re a life saver Cal.”
Andy began to walk away, hoisting his back pack over his left shoulder. It was amazing how much drama actually happened on the school newspaper team. Although, that wasn’t the only thing I was working with. I was also on all sort of sports teams and year book committees. But it being the end of the year and all, I only had exams and my extra credit projects to work on.

Still, I was slightly frustrated. I was only fourteen, and I’d already skipped a year of school. Did they honestly expect me to just jump into school a year younger than everyone and be fine? Well, I know they did, however I was still frustrated.
Marcy and Andy were older than me.

Why couldn’t they do the last column? Okay, I’ll admit it. I’m a bit over strung. But this is all I’ve got left to distract me. School is almost over, and that means I’ve got an entire summer to complete. Life is over-complicated right now. I’m extremely-
No. I’m fine.

Marcy came back and sat down in her chair rigidly. “I’ve got to go. My mom wants me to babysit. Do you think, maybe, you could close up today?” I could tell she really needed to get home [as did I] and that she was desperate.
“Yeah why not. I’ll close up. You get home safe, alright?”

Marcy thanked me with a goodbye hug and shot out of the room.
I quickly stood up and looked around the empty office. As usual, everyone had left our area in a mess. I should really get home....but I can’t just leave the place like this.

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