Saturday, January 23, 2010


Ten minutes later, the brats were filing in my car. After a brief dispute, Brady suggested that we leave our supplies here. I didn’t argue. They might be coming back, I’d drop them off. I wasn’t going to take part in this—-Brady’s stupidity was his own. If he wanted to play with a few obnoxious kids, show his inner child, so be it. “Sarge is sitting in the passenger’s seat,” I said lamely, opening the car door.

“Are you kidding me?” Ember retorted, her tone ludicrous.

“It’s my—- SARGE!!!” The kids flinched, startled by my sudden outburst, then turned in time to see the bulky German Shepard go sprinting off in the opposite direction, as fast as his legs could carry him. I’d never seen him kick off like that in my life; it went against his training. “GODDAMMIT!!!” I slammed the car door shut, ready to engage in full-fledged flight mode after the soon-to-be shot animal.

Suddenly, excitement flashed in Ember’s eyes, and she let out a small yelp, which I placed as laughter. “Ten bucks says I’m faster than anyone here. I’ll get him!” With that she turned, not waiting for my protest, and disappeared into the forestry. I pounded my fist against the side of the silver painting of my vehicle, enraged. To the side, Brady chuckled, playing the role as an innocent bystander.

“Not a fan of Mondays, huh Jack? Me neither.”

“Yeah, well, fan or no fan, get in the car if you plan to see another one.” In turn, Brady clapped me on the side of the shoulder, then turned away to utter something sarcastic to a very quiet Elin, leaving me to fume.

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