Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Name: Bia Dellnor
Age: 15
Race: Caucasian
Looks: Long, black wavy hair, grey-blue eyes (more grey than blue), thin arms and legs covered in scars, thin body, except for her chest, which doesn’t fit with her body. She’s always wearing dark grey or black skinny jeans and a grey or black tank top.
Anything else?: Lives with her mom, has never met her dad. She is somewhat anti-social, but she tries to be friendly. She’s been on her own for awhile.


I quickly threw the oversized grey uniform shirt over my head and grimaced as it fell half an inch above my black shorts. Mom hadn’t done laundry in awhile and these tiny shorts were the only pair I could find. I untangled a hair elastic from the mass of bracelets on my wrist and pulled my long black hair into a low ponytail.

“Seriously?” I exclaimed as my hair refused to stay in place.

After placing a couple bobbypins in my thick mane, I removed all my bracelets—all but two black cuffs on each arm.

“Bia, are you coming? Ms. Garshon is waiting and you’re going to get an X,” Staci said breathlessly, just having run into the changeroom.
“Uh, yeah, just give me a sec. I have to tie up my shoes,” I told her.
Staci looked down at my grey Converse and raised an eyebrow. “They’re already tied. Come on, she’s really angry.”

I tossed the bracelets into my backpack and followed Staci into the gymnasium, her brand-new shoes squeaking on the linolium.

Our entire class was sitting on the floor in front of our hefty gym teacher, bored looks on each of their faces. I realized I’d held the class up, again.

“Partner up, everyone! Basketball drills! Bia, I’m pairing you with Elycia for this. I want you to see how a real girl plays b-ball,” Ms. Garshon roared.
“Okay...” I said wearily.

Elycia and I never really got along. Elycia ran over to me, her short blonde pigtails bouncing with each step. A smile made its way across her face as she caught a firm basketball from one of her friends.
“Thanks, Lindsay!” she called across the gym. “Here Bia, catch!”

I raised my arms defensively and the orange ball hit my elbow. “Ow.”
Elycia glared at me. “You’re supposed to catch it.”
“I know, okay? I kinda suck at this.” I frowned, examining my elbow.
“Apparently,” she breathed. “Hey, no jewellery in gym class. Ms. Garshon! Bia’s still wearing bracelets!”
“Uh, hello, these aren’t bracelets!” I snapped.

Ms. Garshon stormed over and told me to take my cuffs off. I blinked a few times and realized I had no other option than to follow the dress code.

“One more week, Bia. That’s it. One more week and you’re gone from my life. Don’t torture me any more,” Ms. Garshon sighed.
I removed my black cuffs and shoved them into the tight pocket of my shorts. “I’ll try not to.”

Elycia grabbed my arm and started to drag me to the other side of the gym.
“Ouch!” I yelped.
“It’s your fault there’s no good spots- what?” Elycia released me. “Omigod, I’m so sorry! I didn’t see the scars-”
I snatched my arm back from her. “It’s okay. Let’s just try not to fail this class.”
“No-no-no, it’s my fault! I didn’t mean to hurt you or anything. Is there… is there anything you want to tell me? I mean, you don’t have to hurt yourself.” Elycia’s squeaky voice was beginning to annoy me.
“I’m not hurting myself. I’m clumsy. Drop it.” I gave her a death stare.

She couldn’t even begin to imagine how my scars came to be. And even if I told her, she’d never believe me.

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